Freestyle with Tabi Bonney
“Dance like no one is watching, love like it isn’t going to hurt” is a venerable saying that we couldn’t help but think of while considering our lifestyle brand, September Set. With this in mind, we find the concept of freedom important and must ask ourselves, what does freedom look like? This is possibly one of the most subjective questions a person can ask oneself. And, we are certain that it is a choice.
While recently sitting down over a meal with our old pal and DC local, Tabi Bonney, we shared nourishment beyond the food we ordered. The conversation was not your standard interview but an exchange that was transparent, reflective and positive. We went beyond the music, beyond the image and discovered how our lives connect through experiences and ideas that speak to the concept of freedom. Tabi shares a journey full of inspiration because he has made his choice very clear, to "will what he wants" and live his version of freedom on his own terms. In Bonney’s recently released music video Faded,
we watch a story that involves him escaping a reality that he doesn’t feel; a reality that confines him and blurs his ability to will what he wants. Art doesn’t just imitate life here, Bonney is living through his ability to create with no boundaries. “You can’t fake it. You have to feel it”, he says while he describes his work to us.
As someone who’s known as a rapper, he is transcending this identity and the whole idea of being a hip-hop artist, making his residences in Los Angeles, Washington DC and Lomé (Togo) apart of not only his music but what is becoming a global brand. While it all starts and proceeds with music for Bonney, he has been blessed with the ability to embark on additional enterprises (like skin care and coffee) which give him the freedom to create in ways that surprised even him. Ultimately, allowing his dreams to become his reality.
“Music is everything. The driver is music because it touches people”, says Bonney who recently released his sixth album titled Le Bon Voyage. With great expertise and gratitude, Tabi speaks to the connection that his music has provided people worldwide. He emphasizes the power of positive thinking, as well as, the power of human connection as he talks about his journey. In this, he effortlessly illustrates the meaning of his name, “he is also nice”. However, he’s also honest about the challenges and stress that accompanies his quest to follow his dreams. It isn’t easy at all, nonetheless, Tabi prevails because he reminds himself that he has been ok and will always be ok. Thus, steering away from doubting himself and what he’s able to do.
As a result of his ability to readily make human connections and remain focused, Bonney has been gifted with the freedom to delve into a variety of concepts including photography, Itadi Body (skin care line), and Itadi specialty coffee. All of which, are currently launching and September Set looks forward to further spotlighting in the near future. Together we celebrate the beauty and blessings that come with following your heart, paying attention to your dreams and having the faith to never give up. Cheers to Tabi Bonney and living life on his own terms.