September Set

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Tired of the racist B*** S***?

In the words of licensed therapist, Dr. Donna Oriowo, “It’s okay to be TIRED of this racist B.S!”. As we all try to maintain our mental health with the high level of stress that we’re under, Dr. Oriowo is here to offer helpful tips.

T- Take time to feel all the feels that come up. Remembering that anger is both acceptable and a productive emotion.

I- I as in YOU. Center yourself so that you are able to move in a way that honors you and your needs.

R- Release the tension from shoulders, back, and face. Do a body scan to note where you are holding tension and work to intentionally release it.

E- Engage your senses in something that brings pleasure (light a candle for the beauty and smell, eat something tasty, masturbate, listen to a podcast or a playlist).

D- Distance yourself from media content and certain conversations as necessary for your mental health and wellbeing.